About Looloo Group
Looloo Industrial Group began its activities in 1995 aiming to produce and supply auto parts. During the first 5 years, Shahab Shams plant (the first plant of the group) productions rose to three products: manual and electric window regulator, automotive wiring, and central locking. Group sales doubled every year from 2000 to 2005. Following the development program of the group to get more specialized and to increase the efficiency of the activities, the production of the products was assigned to separate firms.
CEO Message
The success of the group depends on the development of the values and the outlook that leads to the growth of the organization.
Creativity and innovation, development of the internal manufacturing, educating specialists and professional experts, and creating value for the external and internal customers have all provided clear direction for continued success of the group.
– Alireza Shamloo Farahmand
LooLoo Group Main Goals
1World Class Manufacturer
Working as a World Class Manufacturer (WCM) by achieving the high technology, Quality improvement and price control.
2Joining to Globalization
An Effective, Dynamic Presence in international foundations and joining to globalization through constant development in world market.
3Flourish national values
Moving forward to flourish national values by occupation developing and exchanging the cultural believes.